Hal's Website
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Welcome to my Website

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And you may ask yourself "how did I get here"?

I had the idea to make a website back in 2021. My website then, looked a lot better than this site does now. I want this site to look "bad" on purpose. I love how the internet looked back then, it was a vibrant customised space! In my links page there is PDF made by me to help you create your own web-page! To find many reasons how you can (and should) make a website, check it out!

We can have old internet aesthetics and take the positive aspects of the web without encouraging/romanticising the negative parts. The 2000s were not perfect. Kinda reminds me how people reminisce on the 1950s. You can like the art, music and fashion, but be aware this was NOT a perfect time. Missing the old internet doesn't make you evil or is a dog whistle, just be mindful of how people online word their views.

Additionally I worked in social media marketing for a little while so I got to see how companies use your data and statistics to advertise to you. Where you live, age, gender, screen time onsite, how you discover pages and companies (do you interact with "shop here" buttons or suggestion tabs?), what interests you and those around you share, contact and location info. It's very off-putting. Especially since this company wasn't exactly secure. In fact, I created my NeoCities whilst I was at this job. Reflecting on it now, it was a decision to learn something new (I thought they wanted me to make a site, but they used a site builder) and tackle that uncomfortable feeling head-on. I even applied for a web design course at my local college (I was the only one to attend, they kept my money and said when it's back on they'd let me know… four years ago…). The teacher was nice enough, I thought it would be good to attend and speak to like-minded people in person, taking time out of my day for a dedicated study space with people who understand more than me. He seemed very puzzled about why I'd want to make a tacky nostalgic space on the web to talk about my interests. I think the course was aimed at people making websites for commercial use, but that was never stated in the course title or description.

I don't like the sleek, bland conformity of modern websites. I want a site to look handmade. I like customisation and personality. Understandably, businesses want their website to look more professional, but why should the platforms you use look like that too?

David Byrne rocking back and forth playing guitar

We're through with being cool!